WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 15
In this new season, God will EXPOSE you to brand new things and people. However, do not get caught up in looking at the outside of a person, relationship or situation! These things do not always reflect what is on the inside. Jesus said about the Pharisees that “outside” they were clean, but “inside” they were full of dead men’s bones (Matthew 23:27). Ask God for His wisdom and KNOWLEDGE as you navigate new territory and people!
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 16
When faced with significant opportunities, you might become fearful of bringing your past into your present. Take COURAGE in God POSITIONING you; God EXPOSING you; and God granting you His KNOWLEDGE! He would not have prepared you and brought you this far if He planned on destroying you or allowing new opportunities to overwhelm you. He’s given you your PECKING ORDERS because He knows you can handle them and carry them out! Continue pecking your way out!!!
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 17
BEFORE you can see the beauty of the surroundings in which God has POSITIONED you, you must remove the clutter! God is a God of order! “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:33). Though confusion does not stop God from working, it does stop YOU! The removal of unneeded items can reveal the beauty, functionality and lovely features of God’s creation, your possessions, and even your spirit. It’s time to clean house…physically, spiritually and mentally!
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 18
As God POSITIONS you for the future, you will begin noticing the importance of breaking old cycles. Breaking the cycle of repeated mistakes requires making a decision to move on with your life, but it won’t happen overnight and neither will it be easy. Find a way to move out of the past, move ahead, free from all encumbrances that threaten to leave you attached to your yesterday. Do not let the dead weight of old cycles impede your progress! PECK….
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 19
Some things need to be put back where they belong. Translated: some relationships simply need to be severed! Others may require some closure for you to move on. Still, others need to be put back in their proper place. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed” (Amos 3:3)? Pray this prayer with me: Holy Spirit, please clean out my heart, make over my soul, and allow me to get rid of the accumulated things and people that diminish me as an individual, as an employee, or as a visionary. In Jesus name, Amen!
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 20
BEFORE you can fully lead, you must withstand controversy and conflict.
a. Leaders tend to be controversial.
b. Leaders’ decisions create conflict.
c. Leaders are persons of commitment.
d. Leaders are guided by their character.
Be COURAGEOUS and accept the leadership responsibility of being controversial. You are not POSITIONED to make everyone like you! That’s God’s job. It’s called FAVOR…and…It ain’t faIR!!!
WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 21
As you continue to go forth with your Pecking Orders, I encourage you to broaden your interests, people and hobbies.... they broaden your perspective and outlook. Don’t just build spiritually, but build on the foundation of your spiritual life. It could be as simple as reading different magazines or newspapers, or going to places that are different from where you normally go. Get outside of your political belief system, gender or race. Broader views are a great repellent to ignorance. A complete world-view leads to a richer, fuller life.